Bespoke antenatal + hypnobirthing classes in Stockport

Midwife and pregnant client chatting. Conversation with hypnobirthing teacher. Venue: Ladybridge Connect, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, UK

Supporting you through pregnancy and beyond with birth education and advocacy.

I am a passionate and experienced midwife who supports and educates families to have the best possible birth for them. Find out how I can support you.

Midwife with doll and pelvis teaching pregnant client in Stockport. Antenatal education in Cheadle Hulme, Stockport

Bespoke group hypnobirthing courses

5 star rated group antenatal and hypnobirthing course in Cheadle Hulme, Stockport. Midwife led and evidenced based complete birth preparation.

In person group antenatal and hypnobirthing classes covering Stockport, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Derbyshire.

“Thank you so much for your support and the hypnobirthing course. I feel so happy with how the birth went and a big part of that is down to being informed and being able to make choices, so thank you!”

— Lizzie

This course was so helpful for us. The course taught us more about the process of labour and coping mechanisms, as well as giving us more information about our rights. Laura is incredibly knowledgeable. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this course - it’s been so helpful and I’m now feeling confident about mine and my body’s ability to birth our next child. Thank you Laura!

— Ellie and Ben